Getting Pregnant Again After Miscarriage

Getting Pregnant Again After Miscarriage

How does a miscarriage happen?

When you and your partner have unprotected sex, the possibilities for a child to be conceived are high. And if this happens, the fetus takes half the genes from the mother and half from the father, using the genetic information of the fertilized egg and the sperm. So, it is important for us to understand that in the moment of conception, the two genetic halves cross each other. According to one theory, sometimes without a known reason, in the middle of this process, some genetic information is lost and so the future pregnancy is likely to be compromised. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

Yet, that lost genetic information may not be necessary in the developing of the fetus, and through the first weeks of pregnancy it will continue its normal development until that tragic moment when the miscarriage happens. That is the moment when the normal development of the fetus depends on precisely the same genetic information that is missing. And so, the fetus dies and the miscarriage process begins.

How can you prevent a miscarriage?

If you suffered a miscarriage, you should call a doctor for a medical diagnosis to determine the causes that led to the loss of the pregnancy. A definite cause to determine this type of miscarriage cannot always be determined, and there are many anomalies that can lead to it. Post-miscarriage tests are necessary in order to eliminate any cause of physiological nature.

The most important of them refer to: toxoplasmosis testing, chlamydia testing, and investigations of the uterine cavity to detect various abnormalities and diseases that could lead to miscarriage, tests to detect specific chromosomal abnormalities, appreciation of potential autoimmune diseases, analysis to detect disorders or hormonal imbalances, and investigations for the detection of potential sources of infection, and so on.

Getting pregnant after miscarriage

A miscarriage does not eliminate the chances of a woman to carry a pregnancy to full term. And, if you discover the problem that caused the first miscarriage, then your chances to have a normal pregnancy are even higher. Some couples decide they want to start trying immediately, while others consider it too early to talk about a new pregnancy and take time to overcome their pain of their loss.

How long to wait until trying again?

Normally, doctors recommend that you wait at least the passing of one menstrual cycle before trying again, as research has shown that the risks of developing a new miscarriage are 1.5 times higher for women who do not comply with this rule.

However, this is not an imperative requirement but an element of safety, many successful pregnancies resulted in normal births, even if fertilization has occurred before the first menstrual cycle following the miscarriage. If you are an older woman trying to get pregnant & time is of the essence, then you may wish to continue trying in your very next cycle as quickly as you can to attempt conception again.

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Monica Scott, BS, RN
Monica Scott, BS, RN | ConceiveEasy
Ms. Scott joined ConceiveEasy after working in prenatal obstetrical care for two years in a private practice before being promoted to Director of Nursing. She has a strong interest in women's health with an emphasis on promoting fertility awareness.
